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Experience Deep, Rich, and Robust Interior Design Courses giving you what you need to create superb residential interiors with the perfect Look, Feel, and Ambience, from Professional Master Interior Designer Steve Adamko, who brings 44 years of Expertise, Skill, Knowledge, Talent, Experience, Insight, and Wisdom to empower You!

Hello this is Steve Adamko talking to you from my studio here in Portage/Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

Not only do I have an interior design studio, I also have a recording studio. I want to bring to your attention that I have been doing Interior Design Seminars since 1979 … and at this point in my career I bring a wealth of knowledge, insights, skill, talent, and wisdom to everything that I do … including all of my design projects and design clients.

Now, with my Thinkific Courses, YOU get to be the recipient and the beneficiary of all of that talent, wisdom, knowledge, and experience! I am a very high-end interior designer. Now that doesn’t mean that I'd don't do projects on a budget. But, I can go from zero to the top level. Not only that, but I am a professional lighting designer and a professional furniture designer, plus a speaker and author. In addition to that I also have a Podcast on Apple, Stitcher, Player FM, Google, and other platforms … called INTERIOR DESIGN BEAT.

So now, with situations as they are in the world … I am doing courses on topics such as lighting, furniture, furniture arrangement, space planning, color, and just about every subject that you can conceive of.

The Courses are packed … they are intense, as far as how deep and rich they are … because I am a very high-level teacher and instructor. And when I teach and instruct, I use a lot of analogies so that people would have a hard time misunderstanding what I mean. So, I put things in terms that people can understand. These seminars are very apropos for students … all the way up to successful, wealthy, and affluent individuals.

But … there are lots of people out there that need help. They need help so they don't make mistakes! Because, unless you have very deep pockets, you can’t afford to make any kind of mistakes in interior design! It’s just too costly. And … you need to be able to start out in the right way … with the right kind of foundation. So, a lot of this information will help the person who needs to do it on their own … but with the information that sets them up for success! THIS is Critically Important!!!

Everything in interior design is tied together … and relates to … and effects each other just like music … and just like the human body! You want to be able to start off an interior design project … no matter how small it is … in the right way … so that you don't make any mistakes! Therefore, I give everyone the proper footing and foundation to create an interior design edifice if you will.

Many individuals start an interior design project and then get into trouble because they hear too much information out there … out in the marketplace that is not accurate. There’s a lot of people out there practicing interior design and decoration who really don't have a full command of the whole aspect of interior design. Because, without architecture, you can't have an interior design aspect or project.

There are many people out there practicing “professionally” … that know just enough to make themselves dangerous! … Or they go by the trend of the moment. Well, the trend is really not your friend! … You should have an interior that is the “Express Image” of you … and that's based on finding out enough about you … asking the right questions … to get the right answers … to deliver exactly and precisely the right results! That's how we do it! That’s how an attorney does it! … That’s how a doctor does it! … and that's how I do it!

So, if you want to be able to start any project and finish it to great success … so much that you're absolutely elated! … then you want to partake of my seminars! Because everything that I do is not only about the LOOK … anybody can do a look … but a Look with Ambiance (or Ambiance) … THAT'S what very, very, few people can do. I can tell you exactly what is going to LOOK like … AND exactly was it's going to FEEL like with Precision! Now, that's not only confidence, but that gives my clients a huge degree of confidence because I'm an expert guide. I'm an expert “tailor.”

I AM like no other teacher you've ever experienced, even if you went to college! Because, you have to be not only great designer but you've got to be a great communicator as well.

Give me a call and you can find out all the different types of seminars and courses that I'm offering … and you will be greatly rewarded. Your environment will be greatly enhanced and you will be absolutely elated! We all need a lot more of that in today's world don’t we? 

This is Steve Adamko. I'm glad I had a little bit of time here to speak with you and to let you know what I have to offer. So … by all means Give Me A Call at (269) 888-2049 (Landline)