Discover the real aim of interior decoration and design when it comes to your home and how to use these principles successfully for your ultimate enjoyment.

Discover the important things to consider, so that you don't get caught into a web of the wrong decisions and mistakes, that will cost you time and money.

Discover the immense danger of fads and trends when it comes to interior design and decoration.  Find out why you want to stay clear of them.

The Principles of Interior Decoration and Design that you need to know in order to be successful

This special report goes into a lot of information that you need to know, if you ever hope to be successful in your interior design and decoration for your home.  I go into the real aim of interior decoration and design, plus the three-fold problem and it's masterful solution, the danger of fads and trends, several important things to consider, and so much more, in order to make you the success that you need to be.

Steve Adamko Professional Interior Designer

Steven C. Adamko

My name is Steve Adamko and I am a high-level professional interior designer, furniture designer, lighting designer in Portage, Michigan near Kalamazoo.  I'm also the producer and the voice of the interior design podcast called Interior Design Beat, which is available on all the major podcast platforms.  I'm also a licensed residential builder in the State of Michigan. I started my design firm called Spectrum Interiors in Kalamazoo in 1982.  I Passed the NCIDQ exam in 1996. NCIDQ stands for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification.  It's similar to the bar exam for attorneys.

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This special report will open your eyes in ways that no one has ever done for you before.  You will gain the insight and knowledge that is so necessary to enjoy your decorating and designing journey, and to bring you the success that you so longingly desire.  You will not be disappointed.  It will challenge you, in how you think about interior design and decoration, and put you on a solid path, that will pay many dividends now and in the future


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